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Employers and educators work to promote Ohio job growth

Spectrum News 1

May 5, 2022

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Professionals are working together to prepare students to enter the workforce.

May 4 marked the fourth annual Workforce and Education Conference, a day educators and employers come together for one goal — to strengthen Ohio’s workforce.

“I can’t think of a more important connection for any community,” said Roger Geiger, executive director of the Ohio Chapter of the National Federation of Independent Business.

Geiger and 600 others gathered in Columbus for the conference. 

“The challenge is, ‘How do we prepare the workforce and how do we do that for big businesses but also small businesses who are all competing for talent? How do we make sure that pipeline is there for both large companies and small companies?’” Geiger said.

In Demand Jobs week in Ohio is May 2-6, when the state highlights some of the most lucrative opportunities for job seekers.

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